Schulthess Forum

Andreas Göldi

Andreas Göldi

Andreas Göldi

lic. oec. MSc. MIT HSG, Partner
Andreas Goeldi is an Internet technologist, serial entrepreneur and startup investor with over 25 years of experience. He joined b2venture in 2019 as a partner. Previously, he co-founded and helped build several successful technology startups in e-business services, social media analytics, video marketing and online content in both Europe and the United States. Most recently he was the Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at video marketing AI start-up Pixability in Boston. His past job roles include developer, CTO, board member and CEO. He has also been an active angel investor for over 20 years. Andreas holds masters degrees in technology management from MIT and the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, as well as four U.S. patents.

 Andreas Göldi

